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Tao Boba

Tao Boba

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store promotion -35% with Prime
store rating 89%
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Thai Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Taro Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Caramel Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00

Top sellers

Thai Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Taro Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Caramel Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00

Milk and Milk Tea Series

Black Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Tasty Oolong Bud (Oolong Milk Tea)
Served plain or cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Brown Sugar Boba Milk
Served plain or cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Brown Sugar Boba Milk Tea
Served plain or cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Vanilla Latte
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba or Coffee Jelly
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Iced coffee
Served Plain or Cold
KSh450.00 KSh600.00

Flavored Milk Tea Series

Matcha Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Chocolate Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Taro Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Banana Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Lemon Condensed Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Strawberry Milk Tea
Served Plain & Cold with Tapioca Boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Coconut Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Caramel Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Hazelnut Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Vanilla Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Thai Milk Tea
Served plain and cold with tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00

Fruit Tea Series

Lychee Fruit Tea
Made with a tea base of choice; green tea/ black tea/ oolong tea/ fourseasons tea, served plain or cold with popping boba/ tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Winter Melon Fruit Tea
Made with a tea base of choice; green tea/ black tea/ oolong tea/ fourseasons tea, served plain or cold with popping Boba/ Tapioca Boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Mango Fruit Tea
Made with a tea base of choice; Green tea/ Black tea/ Oolong tea/ Four Season tea, served plain or cold with popping Boba/ Tapioca Boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Strawberry Fruit Tea
Made with a tea base of choice; green tea/ black tea/ oolong tea/ four season tea, served plain or cold with popping Boba/ Tapioca Boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Passion Fruit Tea
Made with a tea base of choice; green tea/ black tea/ oolong tea/ four seasons tea, served plain or cold with popping Boba/ Tapioca Boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Lemon Fruit Tea
Made with a tea base of choice; green tea/ black tea/ oolong tea/ four season tea, served plain or cold with popping Boba/ Tapioca Boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Pineapple Fruit Tea
Made with a tea base of choice; green tea/ black tea/ oolong tea/ four season tea, served plain or cold with popping Boba/ Tapioca Boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Blueberry Fruit Tea
Made with a tea base of choice; green tea/ black tea/ oolong tea/ four season tea, served plain or cold with popping Boba/ Tapioca Boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00

Formosa Cool Tea

Spring Breeze (Jasmine Green Tea)
Served plain or cold with popping boba/ jelly/ tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Aromatic Four Seasons Tea
Served plain or cold with popping boba/ jelly/ tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
The Bleu (Chinese Ololong Tea)
Served plain or cold with popping boba/ jelly/ tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Black Tea
Served plain or cold with popping boba/ jelly/ tapioca boba
KSh450.00 KSh600.00

Sparkling Ade

Mint & Lemon Virgin Mojito
Hand made Fresh Mint & Lemon Juice accompanied with frizz and your favorite toppings
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Orange Virgin Mojito
Hand made orange juice accompanied by sprite fizz and your favorite toppings
KSh450.00 KSh600.00

Fresh Juice

Watermelon Delight Juice
Fresh watermelon juice blended with basil, ice and sweetner. Add topping scoop of jelly or popping boba available from the menu
KSh450.00 KSh600.00
Orange Crush Juice
Freshly squeezed orange juice blended with pineaple syrup ice & sweetner. Add topping scoop of jelly or popping boba available from the menu
KSh450.00 KSh600.00

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Com’è valutato Tao Boba dagli altri clienti?
Tao Boba è stato consigliato dal 89% dei nostri clienti che hanno ordinato un glovo. Effettua subito il tuo ordine e scopri anche tu quanto ti piace.