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The Link Cafe

The Link Cafe

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Beans Chapati
Beans cooked in a rich sauce and served with Chapati, providing a hearty and nutritious option.
Chapati Beef
Beef curry or grilled beef served with Chapati, a delicious and satisfying meal.
Matoke Beef
Beef served with Matoke, a dish made from green bananas, popular in East Africa.

Main Dishes

Chicken Ugali
Traditional Kenyan dish featuring chicken served with Ugali, a maize-based staple.
Chicken Rice
Chicken served with rice, a flavorful and satisfying combination.
Chicken Chapati
Chicken curry or grilled chicken served with Chapati, a soft and fluffy flatbread.
Fish with Ugali
Freshly cooked fish served with Ugali, a common and delicious pairing.
Fish Rice
Fish prepared with rice, offering a delightful seafood and rice combination.
Fish Chapati
Fish curry or grilled fish served with Chapati, providing a tasty seafood option.
Beef Ugali
Tender beef served with Ugali, a hearty and filling meal.
Mukimo Beef
Mashed mixture of maize, beans, potatoes, and greens served with beef, a Kenyan comfort food.
Matoke Beef
Beef served with Matoke, a dish made from green bananas, popular in East Africa.
Chapati Beef
Beef curry or grilled beef served with Chapati, a delicious and satisfying meal.
Masala Fries
Crispy fries seasoned with masala spices, offering a flavorful twist on a classic side dish.
Classic crispy potato fries, perfect as a side or snack.
Beans Chapati
Beans cooked in a rich sauce and served with Chapati, providing a hearty and nutritious option.

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Quanto costa la consegna a domicilio da The Link Cafe a Nairobi?
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Dove posso ordinare una consegna a domicilio da The Link Cafe?
Puoi effettuare il tuo ordine in qualsiasi momento durante l’orario di apertura di The Link Cafe’s. Grazie al nostro servizio di consegna a domicilio super veloce potrai ricevere il tuo glovo nel giro di qualche minuto! Puoi anche programmare la consegna a domicilio nel momento che ti è più comodo, anche se il negozio è chiuso in quel momento.
Quali tipi di prodotti posso ordinare da The Link Cafe?
Da The Link Cafe troverai tanti articoli di questa categoria: Chicken. Dai un’occhiata all’elenco di prodotti qui sopra per sapere cosa puoi ordinare. Non esitare a verificare anche gli altri negozi disponibili nella categoria “Chicken” a Nairobi.