Fish Inn

Fish Inn

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store rating 94%
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Glovo Prime
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Fish Fingers ,Chips and Soda
crispy fried fish fingers 150g served with fries 200g and soda 350ml
KSh600.00 KSh1,200.00
Prawns ,Chips and Soda
Crispy Prawns 70g with Fries 200g and Soda350ml Indulge in a delectable combination of succulent crispy prawns, perfectly seasoned and fried to golden perfection, accompanied by a generous portion of crispy fries..
KSh700.00 KSh1,400.00
Tomato Sauce
versatile and flavorful condiment made primarily from tomatoes
KSh50.00 KSh100.00

Top sellers

Fish Fingers ,Chips and Soda
crispy fried fish fingers 150g served with fries 200g and soda 350ml
KSh600.00 KSh1,200.00
Prawns ,Chips and Soda
Crispy Prawns 70g with Fries 200g and Soda350ml Indulge in a delectable combination of succulent crispy prawns, perfectly seasoned and fried to golden perfection, accompanied by a generous portion of crispy fries..
KSh700.00 KSh1,400.00


Medium Classic Sea Food Pizza(with soda)
Dive into layers of flavor as succulent shrimp, tender calamari, and flavorful pieces of fish fingers with tangy pizzas sauce and creamy mozzarella cheese.
KSh1,300.00 KSh2,600.00
Medium Classic Hawaiian Pizza(with soda)
juicy pineapple chunks, savory beef ham, and melted mozzarella cheese atop a golden crust, all baked to perfection.
KSh1,250.00 KSh2,500.00
Medium Classic Pepperoni
baked to perfection on a crispy crust, allowing the savory flavors to meld together beautifully. With its irresistible aroma and satisfyingly cheesy, savory taste.
KSh1,200.00 KSh2,400.00
Prawns , Bhajia and Soda
Prawns 70g + Bhajia 200g + Soda 350ml crispy prawns with bhajia and soda
KSh720.00 KSh1,440.00
Prawns ,Chips and Soda
Crispy Prawns 70g with Fries 200g and Soda350ml Indulge in a delectable combination of succulent crispy prawns, perfectly seasoned and fried to golden perfection, accompanied by a generous portion of crispy fries..
KSh700.00 KSh1,400.00
Squid with Chips and Soda
crispy squid 80g + chips 200g+ soda 350ml
KSh600.00 KSh1,200.00
Fish Fingers ,Chips and Soda
crispy fried fish fingers 150g served with fries 200g and soda 350ml
KSh600.00 KSh1,200.00
Fish Nuggets, Fries and Soda
Each bite offers a delightful contrast between the crunchy fish nuggets 150g and the fluffy, crispy fries 200g and 350ml soda
KSh600.00 KSh1,200.00
Conch Meat , Chips ,Soda 350ml
Conch Meat 150g, Chips 200g ,Soda 350ml Conch fritters are savory, deep fried balls of dough with chopped conch seasoned with cayenne sauce and salt
KSh500.00 KSh1,000.00
Medium Classic Crayfish Pizza
Each bite offers a delightful contrast between the sweetness of the crayfish and the savory goodness of the pizza with a 350ml soda
KSh500.00 KSh1,000.00


Dasani drinking water
500ml drinking water
KSh140.00 KSh200.00
Sprite 350ml
Carbonated soda
KSh50.00 KSh100.00
Coca cola
350ml carbonated drink
KSh50.00 KSh100.00
Fanta Orange 350ml
Carbonated Drink
KSh50.00 KSh100.00


Prawns Plain
Crispy deep fried prawns 70g. Our Crispy Prawns are seasoned with a blend of herbs and spices that complement the natural sweetness of the prawns
KSh450.00 KSh900.00
Fish Fingers (plain)
150g of fish fingers Delight in the irresistible crunch of our Crispy Fish Fingers, made from premium fish fillets coated in a seasoned breadcrumb crust. Fried to golden perfection, each bite reveals tender, flaky fish encased in a crispy exterior.
KSh350.00 KSh700.00
crispy plain squid
crispy fried calamari 80g seasoned with black pepper
KSh350.00 KSh700.00
Tilapia Fish (small)
150g small fish tilapia 3pc carefully sourced and expertly prepared to ensure freshness and quality. deep fried, each bite offers a delightful taste of the sea, complemented by the natural sweetness of this versatile fish. Perfect for seafood lovers.
KSh300.00 KSh600.00
Fish Nuggets
The combination of crispy coating and tender fish creates a delightful contrast in textures.
KSh300.00 KSh600.00
Plain Conch Meat
tenderized conch meat 150g, dredged in seasoned flour and deep fried.
KSh250.00 KSh500.00
200g of bhajia crispy seasoned with salt and paprika Experience the authentic flavors with our Classic Bhajia. Thinly sliced potatoes are delicately coated in a spiced flour batter and fried to a crispy golden-brown perfection.
KSh200.00 KSh400.00
Crinkle fries (Chips)
Wavy and crispy fries seasoned with salt and paprika
KSh180.00 KSh360.00
Asian Jelly
Transport your taste buds to the vibrant streets of Asia with our Asian Jelly Dessert. Made from a medley of colorful, translucent jelly cubes infused with exotic fruit flavors such as Raisins , nuts, and brown sugar
KSh100.00 KSh200.00

MEALS COMBO (with bhajia)

Squid + Bhajia + 350ml soda
80g squid ,200g bhajia and 350 ml soda Dive into the depths of flavor with our Savory Squid Special. Sourced from the freshest catches of the sea, our squid is expertly prepared to perfection, ensuring a tender and succulent texture in every bite.
KSh620.00 KSh1,240.00
Fish Fingers + Bhajia + 350 ml soda
150g fish fingers , 200g bhajia and 350ml soda Indulge in the crispy goodness of our Crispy Fish Fingers Delight. Handcrafted from premium fish fillets, each finger is coated in a savory breadcrumb crust and fried to golden perfection.
KSh620.00 KSh1,240.00
Conch Meat + Bhajia + 350 ml soda
150g conch meat , 200g bhajia and 350 ml soda Embark on a culinary adventure with our Conch Meat Delight. Sourced from the depths of the ocean, our tender conch meat is expertly prepared to highlight its natural flavor and texture.
KSh570.00 KSh1,140.00
Fish + Bhajia + Soda
150g fish , 200g bhajia and 350ml soda Experience the fusion of flavors with our Crispy Fish Bhajia. Succulent fish pieces are delicately marinated, coated in a seasoned chickpea flour batter, and fried to a crispy golden brown.
KSh570.00 KSh1,140.00


Tartar sauce
creamy condiment typically made with mayonnaise, chopped pickles or capers, onions, herbs (such as parsley)
KSh75.00 KSh150.00
Tomato Sauce
versatile and flavorful condiment made primarily from tomatoes
KSh50.00 KSh100.00
Chilli sauce
spicy and flavorful condiment made primarily from chili peppers, along with other ingredients such as garlic and salt
KSh50.00 KSh100.00
Sweet Chilli Sauce
a popular condiment known for its perfect balance of sweetness and spiciness. This versatile sauce is made primarily from red chili peppers, sugar and garlic
KSh50.00 KSh100.00


5 Piece Chicken, Large Chips and 2- 350ml Soda
combination of juicy, flavorful chicken and crispy, golden fries. Crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside,
KSh1,200.00 KSh2,400.00
3 Piece Chicken with Fries
chicken pieces coated in a seasoned flour mixture and then fried until golden brown and crispy.
KSh750.00 KSh1,500.00
2 Piece Chicken, Fries and Soda
Each bite offers a delightful contrast between the crispy exterior and the tender, flavorful chicken meat inside with Crinkle fries and soda 350ml
KSh625.00 KSh1,250.00
3 Piece Chicken
Our chicken are expertly seasoned and fried to golden perfection, offering a satisfying crunch with every bite. Each tender strip of chicken is bursting with flavor, making them a deliciously addictive snack.
KSh585.00 KSh1,170.00
Quarter Chicken, Fries and Soda
Each bite offers a delightful contrast between the crispy chicken skin and the fluffy, crispy fries and 350ml soda
KSh550.00 KSh1,100.00
2 Pieces Drumsticks
Coated in a seasoned breadcrumb then deep-fried to achieve the desired crunchiness.
KSh360.00 KSh720.00
One piece Chicken
Each piece of our crispy chicken is expertly seasoned with a blend of spices that enhance its natural flavors. The chicken is then coated in a light, crispy breading that turns golden-brown and crunchy when fried to perfection.
KSh190.00 KSh380.00

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Combien coûte la livraison de Fish Inn à Nairobi ?
Pour savoir combien coûte la livraison chez Fish Inn à Nairobi, consultez les frais de livraison en haut de la page. Vous verrez aussi la répartition des coûts avant de confirmer la commande.
Combien de temps prend la livraison de Fish Inn à Nairobi ?
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Y a-t-il des promotions chez Fish Inn sur Glovo ?
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Est-ce que Fish Inn est sur Prime ?
Nie. Prime est le programme d’abonnement de Glovo, qui permet de bénéficier de la livraison gratuite et illimitée chez certains de nos partenaires, ainsi que d’autres avantages.
Quels types de produits sont proposés par Fish Inn ?
Fish Inn propose des produits de la catégorie suivante : Fast food. Consultez la liste des produits ci-dessus pour voir ce que vous pouvez commander. N'hésitez pas à parcourir les autres établissements (Fast food) disponibles à Nairobi.