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Maple Oven Restaurant

Maple Oven Restaurant

store promotion -30% some items
store promotion -40% with Prime
store rating 84%
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Glovo Prime
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Beef Pilau
Deliciously spiced pilau rice
KSh455.00 KSh650.00
Beef Biryani
Basmati rice, spices and beef
KSh455.00 KSh650.00
Chicken biryani
Well cooked and seasoned swahili biryani sauce with chicken
KSh490.00 KSh700.00

Top sellers

Beef Pilau
Deliciously spiced pilau rice
KSh455.00 KSh650.00
Beef Biryani
Basmati rice, spices and beef
KSh455.00 KSh650.00
Chicken biryani
Well cooked and seasoned swahili biryani sauce with chicken
KSh490.00 KSh700.00

Main Meals

Jollof + Plantain & Chicken
Jollof served with plantain and chicken
KSh1,050.00 KSh1,500.00
Jollof Rice
With fried goat & plantain
KSh560.00 KSh800.00
Chicken pillau
Well cooked swahili pillau slowly cooked with well seasoned chicken
KSh560.00 KSh800.00
Fried Fish
Dry fried fish
KSh490.00 KSh700.00
Chicken biryani
Well cooked and seasoned swahili biryani sauce with chicken
KSh490.00 KSh700.00
Beef Pilau
Deliciously spiced pilau rice
KSh455.00 KSh650.00
Beef Biryani
Basmati rice, spices and beef
KSh455.00 KSh650.00
Goat Curry
Full-flavoured goat meat simmered in a base of onions, tomatoes, and a combination of spices
KSh455.00 KSh650.00
Liver Curry
Full-flavoured liver simmered in a base of onions, tomatoes, and a combination of spices
KSh420.00 KSh600.00
Chicken Curry
Full-flavoured chicken simmered in a base of onions, tomatoes, and a combination of spices
KSh420.00 KSh600.00
Beef curry served with 2 chapati/rice
KSh406.00 KSh580.00
Beef Curry
Full-flavoured beef simmered in a base of onions, tomatoes, and a combination of spices
KSh385.00 KSh550.00
Special Githeri
Githeri special made in onions, tomatoes, served with beef
KSh350.00 KSh500.00
Beef kaanga ugali
Well cooked beef wet fry served with ugali
KSh350.00 KSh500.00
Coconut Beans
Served with rice or chapati options
Ndengu Curry
Stewed ndengu
KSh315.00 KSh450.00
Ugali Matumbo
Ugali served with wet fried matumbo
KSh315.00 KSh450.00


Beef stew served with two chapatis and a side
Well cooked beef stew served with 2 chapatis
KSh385.00 KSh550.00
Chopped potatoes mixed in spiced batter and deep fried in hot oil
Viazi karai
Deep fried potatoes dipped in gram flour mixture and turmeric
KSh245.00 KSh350.00
Chips Masala
Deep fried french fries seasoned with tomato and masala gravy with chopped coriander leaves
Samosa plate 4
Samosa Plate
Triangular shaped flaky pastry filled with ground beef
Ground meat that has been blended with spices and other seasonings and stuffed in edible casings
Unleavened flat bread made from wheat flour


Hibiscus Healthy Juice
Freshly blended hibiscus juice
Passion Juice
Freshly blended passion juice
Mango Juice
Freshly blended mango juice

Nigerian Kitchen

Roasted Chicken
Delicious roasted chicken
Jollof rice,plantain,fried goat
Well cooked Nigerian jollof rice served with fried plantain and spicy fried goat
KSh1,050.00 KSh1,500.00
Fried chicken with jollof
KSh770.00 KSh1,100.00
Fried Goat (Asun)
Wet fried goat meat
KSh560.00 KSh800.00
Okra Soup
Delicious okra soup
KSh490.00 KSh700.00
Pounded Yam
1 Portion poundo
1 Portion garri
Plain Plantain
Plain fried plantain

Healthy Eating

Boiled Plantain + One Side
Boiled plantain served with cabbage or spinach
Cabbage + Carrot + Broccoli + One Grilled Side
Mixed vegetables served with grilled chicken or pork
Sweet Potatoes And One Side
Sweet potatoes served with cabbage or spinach
Nduma And One Side
Nduma served with cabbage or spinach


Grilled Fish
Delicious grilled fish
Wet Fry Fish
Wet fried fish
KSh525.00 KSh750.00
Grilled Chicken
Delicious grilled chicken
Stew Chicken
Stewed chicken served with rice or chapati
KSh420.00 KSh600.00
BBQ Wings
Wings fried in BBQ sauce
Fried Plantain
Plainly fried plantain
KSh280.00 KSh400.00

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Jak zamówić dostawę z Maple Oven Restaurant w mieście Nairobi?
Aby zamówić dostawę z Maple Oven Restaurant w mieście Nairobi, otwórz stronę internetową lub aplikację Glovo i wybierz odpowiednią kategorię (np. Local food”). Potem podaj swój adres i sprawdź, czy dostawa z Maple Oven Restaurant w mieście Nairobi jest możliwa. Następnie wybierz produkt i dodaj go do swojego zamówienia. Po zapłaceniu rozpocznie się przygotowywanie Twojego zamówienia i wkrótce kurier dostarczy Ci je pod same drzwi.
Co mogę zamówić z Maple Oven Restaurant w mieście Nairobi?
Maple Oven Restaurant oferuje zróżnicowane artykuły. Spójrz na listę produktów i wybierz to, co chcesz zamówić z Maple Oven Restaurant.
Jak długo trwa dostawa z Maple Oven Restaurant w mieścieNairobi?
Po określeniu adresu zobaczysz szacowany czas dostawy dla punktów w Twojej okolicy. Szacowany czas dostawy z Maple Oven Restaurant możesz także sprawdzić w danych zamówienia przy kasie.
Czy Maple Oven Restaurant oferuje promocje w Glovo?
Warto poszukać produktów objętych zniżkami i ofert specjalnych oznaczonych na żółto. Czasami trafiają się ciekawe okazje, takie jak „2 w cenie 1” lub tańsza dostawa!
Czy oferta Maple Oven Restaurant jest dostępna w Prime?
Nie. Prime jest subskrypcją oferowaną przez Glovo, która zapewnia nieograniczone bezpłatne dostawy od wybranych partnerów oraz inne korzyści!