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Toppings Pizza Kitchen

Toppings Pizza Kitchen

store promotion -20% whole menu
store promotion -30% with Prime
store rating 38%
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Glovo Prime
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Hawaian pizza 15"
pomodoro sauce, chicken cubes, fresh pineapple and mozarella cheese
KSh1,000.00 KSh1,250.00
chicken peri peri pizza mega 15"
pomodoro sauce, chicken cubes spiced, mozarella cheese and capxcums
KSh1,320.00 KSh1,650.00
Oh my veggie pizza standard 10"
pomodoro sauce, mushroom, tomatoes, onions, capxcum,pineapple and mozarella cheese
KSh680.00 KSh850.00

Top sellers

Hawaian pizza 15"
pomodoro sauce, chicken cubes, fresh pineapple and mozarella cheese
KSh1,000.00 KSh1,250.00
chicken peri peri pizza mega 15"
pomodoro sauce, chicken cubes spiced, mozarella cheese and capxcums
KSh1,320.00 KSh1,650.00


Oh My Veg pizza mega 15"
pomodoro sauce, mushroom,tomatoes, onions ,capxcums,pineapple and mozarella cheese
KSh1,320.00 KSh1,650.00
chicken pizza mega 15"
mozarella cheese, pomodoro sauce, capxcums and chicken cubes
KSh1,320.00 KSh1,650.00
Oh My Veg pizza medium 12"
pomodoro sauce,mozarella cheese, tomatoes, onions, capxcums, pineapples
KSh1,000.00 KSh1,250.00
chicken pizza medium 12"
chicken cubes, mozarella cheese, pomodoro cheese and capxcums
KSh1,000.00 KSh1,250.00
Oh my veggie pizza standard 10"
pomodoro sauce, mushroom, tomatoes, onions, capxcum,pineapple and mozarella cheese
KSh680.00 KSh850.00
Chicken Pizza standard 10"
chicken cubes, mozarella cheese, pomodoro sauce, capxcums
KSh680.00 KSh850.00


chicken peri peri pizza mega 15"
pomodoro sauce, chicken cubes spiced, mozarella cheese and capxcums
KSh1,320.00 KSh1,650.00
chicken supreme pizza mega 15"
pomodoro sauce, mozarella cheese, capxcum, mushroom ,red onion and chicken
KSh1,320.00 KSh1,650.00
meat pizza mega 15"
pomodoro sauce,mozarella cheese,pork and capxcum
KSh1,320.00 KSh1,650.00
chicken peri peri pizza medium 12"
pomodoro sauce, chicken cubes spiced, mozarella cheese and capxcums
KSh1,000.00 KSh1,250.00
Meat pizza medium 12"
pomododro sauce,mozarella cheese and capxcums with protein of your choice
KSh1,000.00 KSh1,250.00
chicken supreme pizza medium 12"
pomodoro sauce, mozarella cheese, capxcums, mushroom, red onion and chicken
KSh1,000.00 KSh1,250.00
original pizza medium 12"
mozarella cheese, pomodoro sauce, chicken cubes,beef and capxcums
KSh720.00 KSh900.00
original pizza standard 10"
mozarella cheese, pomodoro sauce, chicken cubes, beef and capxcums
KSh680.00 KSh850.00
chicken Peri Peri Pizza standard 10"
pomodoro sauce, chicken cube spiced, mozarella cheese and capxcums
KSh680.00 KSh850.00
Original pizza standard 10"
mozarella cheese, pomodoro sauce, chicken cubes, beef and capxcum
KSh680.00 KSh850.00
Meat pizza standard 10"
mozarella cheese ,pomodoro sauce ,capxcum,and protein of your choice
KSh680.00 KSh850.00
chicken supreme pizza standard 10"
pomodoro sauce, mozarella cheese, capxcums, mushroom,red onion and chicken
KSh680.00 KSh850.00


1.25liters soda
KSh240.00 KSh300.00
500ml soda
KSh160.00 KSh200.00
350ml soda
KSh120.00 KSh150.00
1 liter water
KSh120.00 KSh150.00

BBQ Pizza

original bbq pizza 15"
bbq sauce, mozarella cheese, capxcums, chicken cubes ,beef and red onions
KSh1,000.00 KSh1,250.00
BBQ pizza 15"
pomodoro sauce, mozarella cheese, capxcums, red onions and protein of your choice
KSh1,000.00 KSh1,250.00
original bbq pizza 12"
bbq sauce, chicken cubes, beef, mozarella cheese, capxcums and red onion
KSh720.00 KSh900.00
BBQ pizza 12"
pomodoro sauce, mozarella cheese, capxcum, red onion and protein of your choice
KSh720.00 KSh900.00
original bbq pizza 10"
bbq sauce, mozarella cheese, chicken cubes, beef and capxcums
KSh600.00 KSh750.00
BBQ pizza 10"
pomodoro sauce, mozarella cheese, capxcums, red onion and protein of your choice
KSh600.00 KSh750.00


Hawaian pizza 15"
pomodoro sauce, chicken cubes, fresh pineapple and mozarella cheese
KSh1,000.00 KSh1,250.00
Hawaian Pizza 12"
pomodoro sauce, chicken cubes, fresh pineapple, and mozarella cheese
KSh720.00 KSh900.00
Hawaian Pizza 10"
pomodoro sauce, chicken cubes, fresh pineapple, and mozarella cheese
KSh600.00 KSh750.00


Mushroom pizza 15"
pomodoro sauce, onion, mushroom mozarella cheese and protein of your choice
KSh1,000.00 KSh1,250.00
Mushroom pizza 12"
mushroom, onion, pomodoro sauce, mozarella cheese and protein of your choice
KSh720.00 KSh900.00
Mushroom pizza 10"
mushroom, onion, pomodoro sauce, mozarella cheese and protein of your choice
KSh600.00 KSh750.00


Veggie pizza 15"
pomodoro sauce, mozarella cheese, capxcum, tomatoes, and onions
KSh1,000.00 KSh1,250.00
Margaritta pizza 15"
dough, pomodoro sauce,mozarella cheese
KSh1,000.00 KSh1,250.00
Veggie pizza 12"
pomodoro sauce, mozarella cheese, capxcum, tomatoes and onions
KSh720.00 KSh900.00
Margaritta pizza 12"
dough,mozarella cheese, pomodoro sauce
KSh720.00 KSh900.00
Veggie pizza 10"
pomodoro sauce, mozarella cheese, tomatoes, capxcum and onions
KSh600.00 KSh750.00
Margaritta pizza 10"
dough , pomodoro sauce and mozarella cheese
KSh600.00 KSh750.00

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Ile kosztuje dostawa z Toppings Pizza Kitchen w mieście Nairobi?
Opłatę za dostawę z Toppings Pizza Kitchen w mieście Nairobi możesz sprawdzić u góry strony. Zobaczysz ją też w podsumowaniu kosztów przed złożeniem zamówienia.
Jak długo trwa dostawa z Toppings Pizza Kitchen w mieścieNairobi?
Po określeniu adresu zobaczysz szacowany czas dostawy dla punktów w Twojej okolicy. Szacowany czas dostawy z Toppings Pizza Kitchen możesz także sprawdzić w danych zamówienia przy kasie.
Czy Toppings Pizza Kitchen oferuje promocje w Glovo?
Warto poszukać produktów objętych zniżkami i ofert specjalnych oznaczonych na żółto. Czasami trafiają się ciekawe okazje, takie jak „2 w cenie 1” lub tańsza dostawa!
Czy oferta Toppings Pizza Kitchen jest dostępna w Prime?
Nie. Prime jest subskrypcją oferowaną przez Glovo, która zapewnia nieograniczone bezpłatne dostawy od wybranych partnerów oraz inne korzyści!
Kiedy mogę zamówić dostawę z Toppings Pizza Kitchen?
Zamówienia możesz złożyć w godzinach otwarcia Toppings Pizza Kitchen’s. Dostawa jest bardzo szybka, więc Twoje glovo błyskawicznie do Ciebie dotrze! Możesz również zaplanować dostawę w dogodnym dla siebie terminie, nawet jeśli punkt jest w danej chwili zamknięty.