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Zee's Chips and Snacks

Zee's Chips and Snacks

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Sliced potatoes, deep-fried in oil with salt with option of chilli or spices seasoning
KSh210.00 KSh280.00
Sausage 1pc
Seasoned meat stuffed in a casing deep-fried in hot oil
KSh71.25 KSh95.00
Smokie 1pc
Seasoned meat stuffed in casing deep-fried in hot oil
KSh60.00 KSh80.00


Platter Mix - Bhajia , Chips, Masala Chips, 1 PC Sausage
Bhajia-Thick round slices of potatoes dipped in spicy flour, deep fried in hot oil Chips ( Thin potatoes, seasoned, deep fried on hot oil) Masala Chips -Sliced potatoes, cooked with spices and tomato base ) 1pc. Smokie and 1 pc Sausage
KSh937.50 KSh1,250.00
Chips with 2pc Sausages
Sliced potatoes, deep-fried in oil with salt with 2 Sausages (Seasoned meat stuffed in a casing deep fried in hot oil )
KSh360.00 KSh480.00
Chips with 2 Pcs Smokie
Sliced potatoes, deep-fried in oil with salt with option of chilli or spicesd seasoning and 2 smokies (meat stuffed in casing deep fried in hot oil )
KSh330.00 KSh440.00
Masala Chips
Sliced potatoes, cooked with spices and tomato base
KSh315.00 KSh420.00
Thick slices of potatoes dipped in spicy flour, deep fried in hot oil.
KSh315.00 KSh420.00
Half and Half (Mix)- Masala Chips and Seasoned chips
Half portion - Masala Chips (Sliced potatoes, cooked with spices and tomato base ) Half Portion - Seasoned chips (Sliced potatoes, deep-fried in oil with )
KSh285.00 KSh380.00
Sliced potatoes, deep-fried in oil with salt with option of chilli or spices seasoning
KSh210.00 KSh280.00
Soda 500ml
Sweetened carbornated drink
KSh175.00 KSh200.00
Sun dried organic mangos with spices
KSh112.50 KSh150.00
Sausage 1pc
Seasoned meat stuffed in a casing deep-fried in hot oil
KSh71.25 KSh95.00
Smokie 1pc
Seasoned meat stuffed in casing deep-fried in hot oil
KSh60.00 KSh80.00
Round flat unleavened bread made of whole wheat cooked on a griddle
KSh45.00 KSh60.00
Candy produced from the baobab seeds that are flavoured with sugar and chilli 60 gm
KSh45.00 KSh60.00
Deep-fried dough made of wheat flour, baking powder, sugar, salt
KSh30.00 KSh40.00

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Jak długo trwa dostawa z Zee's Chips and Snacks w mieścieNairobi?
Po określeniu adresu zobaczysz szacowany czas dostawy dla punktów w Twojej okolicy. Szacowany czas dostawy z Zee's Chips and Snacks możesz także sprawdzić w danych zamówienia przy kasie.
Czy oferta Zee's Chips and Snacks jest dostępna w Prime?
Nie. Prime jest subskrypcją oferowaną przez Glovo, która zapewnia nieograniczone bezpłatne dostawy od wybranych partnerów oraz inne korzyści!
Jakie produkty można zamawiać z Zee's Chips and Snacks?
Zee's Chips and Snacks oferuje produkty w kategorii „Fast food”. Zobacz listę produktów powyżej i sprawdź, co możesz zamówić. Nie zapomnij, by sprawdzić ofertę innych punktów z kategorii Fast food w mieście Nairobi.
Czy w Zee's Chips and Snacks obowiązuje minimalna wartość zamówienia?
Aby zrealizować zamówienie w Zee's Chips and Snacks, musi ono osiągnąć wymaganą kwotę minimalną. Jeśli nie możesz jej osiągnąć, musisz uiścić opłatę dodatkową, a wtedy glovo dotrze do Ciebie bez żadnych przeszkód!