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Chicken Inn

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Glovo Changamka na 3-Piecer!
3 Piecer + Regular Chips
KSh590.01 KSh775.00
3 Piecer + Regular Chips + Coleslaw
3 Pieces Of Chicken + Regular Chips + Coleslaw
KSh670.01 KSh815.00
6 Piece Family Meal
6 pieces of Original or Hot & Spicy Chicken served with 2 Regular Chips, and 2 Coleslaw
KSh1,300.02 KSh1,580.00

Top sellers

Glovo Changamka na 3-Piecer!
3 Piecer + Regular Chips
KSh590.01 KSh775.00
3 Piecer + Regular Chips + Coleslaw
3 Pieces Of Chicken + Regular Chips + Coleslaw
KSh670.01 KSh815.00
6 Piece Family Meal
6 pieces of Original or Hot & Spicy Chicken served with 2 Regular Chips, and 2 Coleslaw
KSh1,300.02 KSh1,580.00


Mega Munch Feast
12 Piece Bucket, 2 Large Chips, 2 Coleslaw + Coca-Cola 2L
WINGZ! - 24 Spicy Wingz
Choose between Chicken Inn's classic NORMAL WINGZ offering succulent bites of perfectly cooked chicken with a satisfying balance of flavours OR SPICY WINGZ offering tantalizing explosion of heat and flavour.
KSh1,650.07 KSh2,170.00
5 Piece Combo!
5 Pieces of Chicken, Large Chips & 2 x 350ml Soda
WINGZ! - 24 Normal Wingz
Choose between Chicken Inn's classic NORMAL WINGZ offering succulent bites of perfectly cooked chicken with a satisfying balance of flavours OR SPICY WINGZ offering tantalizing explosion of heat and flavour.
KSh1,254.66 KSh1,650.00
WINGZ! - 12 Spicy Wingz
Choose between Chicken Inn's classic NORMAL WINGZ offering succulent bites of perfectly cooked chicken with a satisfying balance of flavours OR SPICY WINGZ offering tantalizing explosion of heat and flavour.
KSh950.00 KSh1,250.00
WINGZ! - 12 Normal Wingz
Choose between Chicken Inn's classic NORMAL WINGZ offering succulent bites of perfectly cooked chicken with a satisfying balance of flavours OR SPICY WINGZ offering tantalizing explosion of heat and flavour.
KSh722.00 KSh950.00
The Burger Offer!
Chicken Burger + Regular Chips + Coca-Cola 350ml PET
KSh644.96 KSh945.00
WINGZ! - 6 Spicy Wingz
Choose between Chicken Inn's classic NORMAL WINGZ offering succulent bites of perfectly cooked chicken with a satisfying balance of flavours OR SPICY WINGZ offering tantalizing explosion of heat and flavour.
KSh480.00 KSh630.00
WINGZ! - 6 Normal Wingz
Choose between Chicken Inn's classic NORMAL WINGZ offering succulent bites of perfectly cooked chicken with a satisfying balance of flavours OR SPICY WINGZ offering tantalizing explosion of heat and flavour.
KSh365.71 KSh480.00
2 Piecer Remix + Ugali Fries
2 Piecer Remix + Ugali Fries
WINGZ! - 4 Spicy Wingz
Choose between Chicken Inn's classic NORMAL WINGZ offering succulent bites of perfectly cooked chicken with a satisfying balance of flavours OR SPICY WINGZ offering tantalizing explosion of heat and flavour.
WINGZ! - 4 Normal Wingz
Choose between Chicken Inn's classic NORMAL WINGZ offering succulent bites of perfectly cooked chicken with a satisfying balance of flavours OR SPICY WINGZ offering tantalizing explosion of heat and flavour.


2 Piecer Deal!
2 Pieces of Chicken + Regular Chips & 350ml Soda.
KSh469.99 KSh660.00


8 Piece Bucket
8 Piece Bucket served with Mega Chips
KSh1,699.95 KSh2,100.00
6 Piece Family Meal
6 pieces of Original or Hot & Spicy Chicken served with 2 Regular Chips, and 2 Coleslaw
KSh1,300.02 KSh1,580.00
3 Piecer + Regular Chips + Coleslaw
3 Pieces Of Chicken + Regular Chips + Coleslaw
KSh670.01 KSh815.00
Glovo Changamka na 3-Piecer!
3 Piecer + Regular Chips
KSh590.01 KSh775.00
1 Piecer + Regular Chips
1 Piece of original or hot & crispy chicken served with crispy regular chips.
KSh360.00 KSh480.00
1 Piece
Order as many as you like
KSh219.99 KSh290.00


Double Chicken Burger with Cheese
Double the taste, double the flavour. Comes with cheese
KSh729.98 KSh960.00
Double Chicken Burger
Double the taste, double the flavour
KSh629.97 KSh830.00
Chicken Burger
Crunchy chicken burger with choice of original flavour or hot and crispy
KSh519.98 KSh690.00
Sticky BBQ Chicken Burger
A feast of flavours for burger lovers
KSh520.03 KSh590.00


Chicken Filla + Regular Chips + Soda
Enjoy our new delicious chicken filla with soda of choice
Chicken Filla + Regular Chips
Enjoy our new delicious chicken filla with regular chips
Chicken Filla
Enjoy our new delicious chicken filla
Sticky BBQ Chicken Wrap
A feast of flavours for wrap lovers
Chicken Wrap
Mouth watering chicken wrap


4 Spicy Wings + Chips
Enjoy a tantalizing explosion of heat and flavour in our signature wings served with regular chips
Chicken Bites - Large
Tasteful chicken bites
Value Chicken Burger + Regular Chips
Crunchy chicken burger served with regular chips
Chicken Strips + Chips
3 pieces of tasty chicken strips with regular chips
Chicken Bites - Small
Tasteful chicken bites


16 Piecer Bucket
16 Pieces of Tasty Chicken, all in one BIG Bucket
3 Piecer + Chips + Coca-Cola 500ml PET
3 Pieces of original or hot & crispy chicken served with crispy regular chips served with choice of drink
Chicken Burger + Chips + Coca-Cola 500ml PET
Crunchy chicken burger with choice of original flavour or hot and crispy served with chips and drink of choice
KSh760.03 KSh960.00
1 Piecer + Chips + Coca-Cola 500ml PET
1 Pieces of original or hot & crispy chicken served with crispy regular chips served with choice of drink


Crunchy Chicken Salad
A delightful medley of crisp lettuce, tender chicken strips, and an assortment of vegetables
Green Salad
Enjoy a refreshing green salad with crispy green lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber
Coleslaw Salad
Add on to your meal with our signature coleslaw salad


Extra Chicken Breast
Add on to your meal with our delicious chicken breast
Chilli Sauce
Feel hot!
Cheese Slice
Cheese up your meal
Barbeque Sauce
Delicious and flavourful
Sweet Chilli Sauce
Sweetness overload


Mega Chips
Mega Crispy Chips
Large Chips
Large Crispy Chips
Regular Chips
Regular Crispy Chips


Coca-Cola 2L PET
Choice of different flavours
Minute Maid 400ml PET
Choice of different flavours
Coca-Cola Diet 500ml PET
Without Sugar
Coca-Cola 500ml PET
Choice of different flavours
Dasani Water 500ml
Dasani Brand
Clear Cup
Clear Cup

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Quanto costa la consegna a domicilio da Chicken Inn a Nairóbi?
Per sapere quanto ti costerà la consegna a domicilio da Chicken Inn a Nairóbi, controlla il costo di consegna indicato nella parte superiore della pagina. Lo troverai anche nella ripartizione dei costi prima di inviare l’ordine.
Quanto tempo impiega la consegna da Chicken Inn a Nairóbi?
Aggiungi il tuo indirizzo di consegna per vedere il tempo di consegna stimato per ciascun negozio nella tua zona. Puoi anche verificare il tempo di consegna stimato del tuo ordine da Chicken Inn al momento del checkout.
Chicken Inn è disponibile su Prime?
Não. Prime è il programma di abbonamento di Glovo che ti permette di usufruire gratuitamente di consegne illimitate da alcuni dei nostri partner e di altri vantaggi!
Dove posso ordinare una consegna a domicilio da Chicken Inn?
Puoi effettuare il tuo ordine in qualsiasi momento durante l’orario di apertura di Chicken Inn’s. Grazie al nostro servizio di consegna a domicilio super veloce potrai ricevere il tuo glovo nel giro di qualche minuto! Puoi anche programmare la consegna a domicilio nel momento che ti è più comodo, anche se il negozio è chiuso in quel momento.
Com’è valutato Chicken Inn dagli altri clienti?
Chicken Inn è stato consigliato dal 93% dei nostri clienti che hanno ordinato un glovo. Effettua subito il tuo ordine e scopri anche tu quanto ti piace.