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Chicken Run

Chicken Run

store rating 95%
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4 Pieces Plain
Chicken pieces that have been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried
1 Piece Plain
Chicken piece that has been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried
3 Pieces + Chips
3 Chicken pieces that have been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried served with fries

Medium Pizza

Mega meat
Boerewors, BBQ steak. Marinated chicken, Sweet bbq sauce and Mozzarella cheese
Chicken peri peri Medium
Marinated chicken, peri peri sauce and Mozarella cheese
Chicken Tikka Medium
Marinated chicken, Red pepper, Tikka sauce and Mozzarella cheese
BBQ Steak medium
Marinated steak, White onions, Green pepper and Mozzarrella cheese
Beef mince, Tomatoes, Onions and Mozzarella cheese
Bacon, Pineapples and Mozzarella cheese
Tomatoes, White onions, Green pepper, Sweet corn and Mozzarella cheese
BBQ Chicken Medium
Marinated chicken, Pineapples, sweet bbq sauce and Mozzarella cheese

Large Pizza

Chicken peri peri
Marinated chicken, peri peri sauce and Mozzarella cheese
Chicken Tikka
Marinated chicken, Red pepper, Tikka sauce and Mozzarella cheese
BBQ Steak
Marinated beef steak, onions, Green pepper, sweet bbq sauce and Mozzarella cheese
Beef mince, Tomatoes, white onions and Mozzarella cheese.
Bacon. pineapples and Mozzarella cheese
Mega meat
Marinated beef steak. Boerwores mince, marinated chicken and Mozzarella cheese
Tomatoes, White onions, Green pepper, Sweet corn and Mozzarella cheese
BBQ Chicken
Marinated chicken, Pineapples, sweet bbq sauce and Mozzarella cheese


20 Piece Plain
Chicken pieces that have been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried
16 Pieces + 2chips + 2l Soda
16 Chicken pieces that have been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried served with fries and soda
16 Piece Plain
Chicken pieces that have been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried
12 Pieces + 2chips + 2l Soda
12 Chicken pieces that have been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried served with fries and soda
8 Pieces + 2chips + 2l Soda
8 Chicken pieces that have been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried served with fries and soda
12 Piece Plain
Chicken pieces that have been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried
8 Pieces Plain
Chicken pieces that have been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried
6 Pieces Plain
Chicken pieces that have been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried
4 Pieces Plain
Chicken pieces that have been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried
3 Pieces + Chips
3 Chicken pieces that have been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried served with fries
2 Pieces + Chips
2 Chicken pieces that have been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried served with fries
1 Piece + Chips
1 Chicken piece that has been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried served with fries
Chips Plain
Side dish or snack typically made from deep-fried potatoes that have been cut into various shapes, especially thin strips
1 Piece Plain
Chicken piece that has been coated with seasoned flour or batter and deep fried, pressure fried

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Como peço entrega do Chicken Run em Nairóbi?
Para pedires a tua entrega do Chicken Run em Nairóbi, só precisas de abrir o site ou app da Glovo e clicar na categoria «Fast food”». Depois, coloca a tua morada para ver se a entrega do Chicken Run está disponível em Nairóbi. A seguir, podes escolher os produtos que queres e adicioná-los ao teu pedido. Depois de fazeres o pagamento, o teu pedido vai começar a ser preparado e em breve um estafeta vai estar a levar-to a casa.
Quanto custa a entrega do Chicken Run em Nairóbi?
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Quanto tempo demora a entrega do Chicken Run em Nairóbi?
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Há promoções para o Chicken Run na Glovo?
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Chicken Run está disponível no Prime?
$ PrimeAvailability. O Prime é a subscrição da Glovo, que te dá entregas grátis ilimitadas de alguns de nossos parceiros, entre outros benefícios!