Arabian Tea House

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Traditional Sweets

Kunafa 150 gr
Traditional Middle Eastern dessert made with fine semolina dough, soaked in sweet sugar - based syrup, layered with custard clotted cream and walnuts
5,50 €
Dates Cake 150 gr
Traditional slice cake made with special flour mixed with dates and topped with walnuts
4,50 €
Umm Ali 150 gr
Special bread pudding
4,50 €
Luqaimat 150 gr
Sweet and crunchy Arabic dumplings infused with cardamom, drizzled with dates syrup and sprinkled with sesame seeds
3,50 €
Ferni 150 gr
Traditional pudding made with boiled milk, sugar and rice, flavoured with cardamom and topped with walnuts
3,50 €
3,50 €

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