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Red Nose

Red Nose

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1,49 €
Glovo Prime
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Mais vendidos

Beetroot & Feta
Beterraba marinada, elegantemente assada, repousando em um colchão de feta batida. Complementada por pão fresco.
8,00 €
Rilettes de Atum
Atum, cream cheese, feta, cranberries secas; uma dança de sabores incrivelmente harmoniosa. Servido com pão fresco e conservas.
11,00 €

Pratos/ Petiscos/ Food

Prato de Sardinhas Portuguesas
Sardinhas em azeite, servidas com picles, lima (limão) e pão caseiro
11,00 €
Rilettes de Atum
Atum, cream cheese, feta, cranberries secas; uma dança de sabores incrivelmente harmoniosa. Servido com pão fresco e conservas.
11,00 €
Patê de Fígado de Frango
Delicioso patê de fígado de frango, servido com geléia de cereja e pão caseiro
11,00 €
Pasta de pimentão vermelho assado, tomates secos, nozes, sussurros de especiarias orientais e um toque de piri piri.
8,00 €
Beetroot & Feta
Beterraba marinada, elegantemente assada, repousando em um colchão de feta batida. Complementada por pão fresco.
8,00 €
Uma abordagem refinada da berinjela defumada, enriquecida com creme, notas cítricas animadas e azeite de oliva de primeira. Acompanhada de pão fresco.
8,00 €
Marinated olives
Marinated in citrus and thyme, with herby butter perfection. Served with fresh bread.
5,00 €


Aguardente de Perada OLD NOSEY pera rocha
Aguardente, or aguardiente, is a type of distilled alcoholic spirit that contains between 29% and 60% alcohol by volume. It is a somewhat generic term that can refer to liquors made from various foods. 40% VOL
55,00 €
Barrel aged combucha Pet Nat WIT 3% ABV
Produced in Lisbon, Portugal. Aged in old oak barrels for 18 months. Organic certified.
27,00 €
LEMONAID Blood Orange
Blood orange lemonade
6,50 €
LEMONAID Passion fruit
Lemonade with passion fruit taste
6,50 €
Limonada Why Not 33cl
3,50 €

Vinhos Tinto | Red

Vinho Tinto Natural, Antonio Madeira Os Granitos, Portugal
António Madeira Os Granitos comes from hand-tended vineyards without herbicides.With a winemaking philosophy focused on finding the expression of the terroir,the result is a wine that is complex and mineral,as well as fine and full of energy
95,00 €
Vinho Tinto Natural PERILL NOIR, Carinyena, Catalonia
Catalonia - Spain Average age of vines:90 Soil type: Calcareous Grapes are destemmed and macerated for fifteen days in both foudres and amphorae, fermenting in these vessels with native yeasts and aged for twenty-four months.
3,00 €

Vinho Branco |White

Vinho Branco Natural, Free Blanc, Nuria Renom, Espanha. (750ml)
Natural White Wine, Catalonia, Spain
26,00 €

Vinho Curtimenta | Orange | Skin-Contact

Vinho Branco Natural MACAVELLA Macabeu 2021
NURIA RENOM Spain, Cataluña, Alt Penedès Biodynamic non-certicified Mineral and elegant, low in alcohol, this white wine from Nuria Renom is easy to drink, but interesting the same time: old vines get us complexity and fullness.
42,00 €
Vinho curtimenta natural BIANCO TREBBIANO Silvio Messana , Italy
Country: Italy Region: Tuscany Grape: Trebbiano The maceration is 2-3 days. The wine is aged in cement and bottled without fining or filtering and with a small dose of sulfur.
33,00 €

Vinho Espumante |Bubbles

Vinho Espumante Natural Clos Lentiscus Pet Nat Gentlemant Sumoll
From THE Bubble Man himself, this expressive Rosé Petnat is made from 100% biodynamically farmed Sumoll Negre grown on calcareous limestone at 220m - 310m in elevation.
39,00 €
Barrel aged combucha Pet Nat WIT 3% ABV
Produced in Lisbon, Portugal. Aged in old oak barrels for 18 months. Organic certified.
27,00 €
Vinho espumante natural Samuel Cano Mic Mac PetNat
GRAPES: The grapes we have used in this wine are Airén (50%) and small grain muscatel (50%) All the grapes come from our vineyards of Monreal del Llano. It is a calcareous soil, soft and 800 meters above sea level.
25,00 €
Non Alcohol Sparkling wine KOLONNE NULL
We present our sparkling fresh Cuvée Blanc No.1 - A harmonious combination of yellow fruit of pear and mirabelle, rounded off with a touch of typical brioche notes. The elegant acidity is balanced by a creamy, fine bubbly texture. 0% Alcohol
23,00 €


Cerveja Dois Corvos Prata Pilsner 33cl
4,50 €
Cerveja Artesanal Dois Corvos Creature IPA (330 ml)
American IPA
4,50 €

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Czy Red Nose oferuje promocje w Glovo?
Warto poszukać produktów objętych zniżkami i ofert specjalnych oznaczonych na żółto. Czasami trafiają się ciekawe okazje, takie jak „2 w cenie 1” lub tańsza dostawa!
Jakie produkty można zamawiać z Red Nose?
Red Nose oferuje produkty w kategorii „Gourmet”. Zobacz listę produktów powyżej i sprawdź, co możesz zamówić. Nie zapomnij, by sprawdzić ofertę innych punktów z kategorii Gourmet w mieście Lizbona.
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Aby zrealizować zamówienie w Red Nose, musi ono osiągnąć wymaganą kwotę minimalną. Jeśli nie możesz jej osiągnąć, musisz uiścić opłatę dodatkową, a wtedy glovo dotrze do Ciebie bez żadnych przeszkód!