Buachompoo Thaifood Restaurant

Buachompoo Thaifood Restaurant

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4,49 €
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Mais vendidos

Rolinhos Primavera
Com refeição ou legumes, 6 peças Another appetizer, fresh, freshly fried and crispy, various vegetables are stir-fried with Thai sauce. Then wrapped in a sheet of flour and fried hot.
6,90 €
Bolachas de Arroz Frito e Camarão
It is a crispy, delicious snack that goes well with various curries.
4,00 €


Rolinhos Primavera
Com refeição ou legumes, 6 peças Another appetizer, fresh, freshly fried and crispy, various vegetables are stir-fried with Thai sauce. Then wrapped in a sheet of flour and fried hot.
6,90 €
Chicken Satay
Marinating with Thai sauce It's mixed with chicken, then grilled and dipped in a special recipe sauce.
6,90 €
Grill Pork with herp.
The pork is marinated with Thai sauce and herbs, garlic, and pepper, then grilled.
6,90 €
Bolachas de Arroz Frito e Camarão
It is a crispy, delicious snack that goes well with various curries.
4,00 €


Tom Yam Kung
It's a Thai style soup with 3 flavors. It's a little spicy. Or if you want to eat more spicy, please specify more.
15,90 €
Sopa de Peixe
We use fresh Robalo or Sea Bass fish, good taste, Thai style, 3 flavor soup, slightly spicy. If you eat more spicy food can be specified
15,90 €
Tom KHA Gai
Another quality chutney of Thailand. with outstanding coconut milk Can be cooked according to the level of spiciness you want, delicious...
15,90 €

Pratos Principais

Caril Vermelho Tailandês com Peixe
Fresh fish from here, Robalo or Sea Bass, which we use, has soft texture along with Thai curry paste. It has a slight to moderate level of spiciness. to mask the smell of fish and to enhance the deliciousness Must try once
18,90 €
Agridoce com Vaca
17,90 €
Manjericão Salteado com Vaca
17,90 €
Carne Salteada com Molho Tailandês
17,90 €
Caril Verde Tailandês com Carne
17,90 €
Caril Panang de Carne
17,90 €
Malagueta Grande Salteada com Vaca
16,90 €
Manjericão Salteado com Frango
16,90 €
Caril Verde Tailandês com Frango
16,90 €
Caril Panang de Frango
16,90 €
Caril Vermelho Tailandês com Frango
16,90 €
Stir-fried Chicken with Cashew nuts
3 Thai flavors, quality ingredients Mixed with Thai sauce It's a famous dish of the restaurant. Normally it's not spicy. If you like it spicy, You can specify the level of spiciness. To increase deliciousness
16,90 €
Agridoce com Frango
16,90 €
Agridoce com Porco
16,90 €
Malagueta Grande Salteada com Porco
16,90 €
Manjericão Salteado com Porco
16,90 €
Misto de Legumes Fritos com Camarão
16,90 €
Malagueta Grande Salteada com Frango
15,90 €
Pad Thai
14,90 €
Arroz Frito Tailandês
14,90 €
Pimenta Galega com Molho Tailandês de Porco
14,90 €
Pimenta Galega com Molho Tailandês de Frango
14,90 €
Frango Salteado com Gengibre
14,90 €
Pad thai with Chicken.
Stir-fry the noodles with Pad Thai sauce. Combine with eggs and vegetables and chicken. Eat with various side dishes.
14,90 €
Pad Se Ew. (Fried noodle stye thai)
A Thai style menu for noodle lovers. The noodles are stir-fried with various Thai sauces and various dry vegetables, then cooked with various side dishes. Delicious. (The shop uses small noodles that can be found locally.)
14,90 €
Arroz de Jasmim Tailandês
2,90 €


Mango Sticky Rice
With the sweet aroma of Thai coconut milk, sticky and oily rice, plus the mangoes here. Make you fall in love with the deliciousness of our world-class desserts.
6,90 €
Banana Split
Gelado, banana e mel
4,90 €


0,10 €

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Сделать заказ можно в любое время, когда заведение «Buachompoo Thaifood Restaurant’s» открыто на нашей платформе. Заказав в приложении или на веб-сайте, вы получите фирменную быструю доставку и сможете насладиться вашим заказом Glovo уже через несколько минут! Вы также можете назначить доставку на удобное для вас время, даже если выбранное заведение в данный момент закрыто.